środa, czerwca 19, 2013

Nick Drake - 65. urodziny

Kiedy ktoś zadaje mi *to denerwujące pytanie* o płyty, które zabrałbym na bezludną wyspę, pierwszym albumem, jaki staje mi przed oczami jest "Pink Moon".

Dziś 65. urodziny Nicka Drake'a.
Wspomnienie między innymi na antenie BBC Radio 2 - www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b02x94ns.


Wiadomość przesłana subskrybentom listy mailingowej Bryter Music przez siostrę artysty - Gabrielle Drake:

What so pleases me, and I do believe would have pleased Nick, is that his fame has been almost entirely created by his fans.

In this age of heavy marketing and promotion, it is the individual who has discovered Nick, and, through love of Nick's music, and, presumably a love for others, has been compelled to share it.

And so the word has spread.

And to all those people I say a huge thank you, on my brother's behalf.

It is hard for me to think of my little brother as an Old Age Pensioner.

So I shan't try.

"They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old"

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